Excel shortcut

What is Microsoft Excel? 

Although many of you are already aware of Excel, let’s have a small introduction anyways. Microsoft Excel is an application developed by Microsoft that is used to record, analyze, and visualize data. Excel, a spreadsheet application, was developed by Microsoft in 1985.

Data in Excel is in the form of rows and columns. Excel is commonly used to record and analyze data, perform mathematical operations, and visualize structured data in charts and graphs. Finally, another important application of Excel is that it helps in automating tasks through excel macros.

To perform the tasks mentioned above quickly, Excel has a set of shortcuts. Various operations can be achieved with a few simple keyboard strokes. Let’s dive deep into the Excel shortcuts that can help us work better on an Excel spreadsheet

Workbook Shortcut Keys

In this section, we will understand the basics of operating a workbook. We will learn how to create a new workbook, open an existing workbook, and save a spreadsheet so that you don’t lose any data or calculations that you have done. We will then go through how you can toggle between several different sheets in a workbook.


Excel Shortcuts 

1. To create a new workbook

Ctrl + N

2. To open an existing workbook

Ctrl + O

3. To save a workbook/spreadsheet

Ctrl + S

4. To close the current workbook

Ctrl + W

5. To close Excel

Ctrl + F4

6. To move to the next sheet

Ctrl + PageDown

7. To move to the previous sheet

Ctrl + PageUp

8. To go to the Data tab

Alt + A

9. To go to the View tab

Alt + W

10. To go the Formula tab

Alt + M


Cell Formatting Shortcut Keys

A cell in Excel holds all the data that you are working on. Several different shortcuts can be applied to a cell, such as editing a cell, aligning cell contents, adding a border to a cell, adding an outline to all the selected cells, and many more. Here is a sneak peek into these Excel shortcuts.


Excel Shortcuts

11. To edit a cell


12. To copy and paste cells

Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V

13. To italicize and make the font bold

Ctrl + I, Ctrl + B

14. To center align cell contents

Alt + H + A + C

15. To fill color

Alt + H + H

16. To add a border

Alt + H + B

17. To remove outline border

Ctrl + Shift + _

18. To add an outline to the select cells

Ctrl + Shift + &

19. To move to the next cell


20. To move to the previous cell

Shift + Tab

21. To select all the cells on the right

Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow

22. To select all the cells on the left

Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow

23. To select the column from the selected cell to the end of the table

Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

24. To select all the cells above the selected cell

Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow

25. To select all the cells below the selected cell

Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

Row and Column Formatting Shortcut Keys

In this section, we’ll look at some critical row and column formatting shortcuts.

We will understand how to delete rows and columns, hide and unhide the selected rows and columns, and group and ungroup rows and columns.


Excel Shortcuts

36. To select the entire row

Shift + Space

37. To select the entire column

Ctrl + Space

38. To delete a column


39. To delete a row

Shift + Space, Ctrl + –

40. To hide selected row

Ctrl + 9

41. To unhide selected row

Ctrl + Shift + 9

42. To hide a selected column

Ctrl + 0

43. To unhide a selected column

Ctrl + Shift + 0

44. To group rows or columns

Alt + Shift + Right arrow

45. To ungroup rows or columns

Alt + Shift + Left arrow


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